Indiase vrienden


J. Krishnamurti

"A woman was coming down the road with a brightly-polished brass vessel on her head, and another on her hip; she was carrying water from the well. She used to go by every evening; and that evening especially, against the setting sun, she was the earth itself in motion".

"Meditation is not for the meditator. The meditator can think, reason, build up or tear down, but he will never know meditation; and without meditation his life is as empty as the shell by the sea. Something can be put in that emptyness, but it is not meditation. Meditation is not an act whose worth can be weighed in the market-place, with its noise of exchange; and through this noise, the noiseless action of meditation can never be found. The action of cause becoming effect, and effect becoming cause, is an everlasting chain that binds the meditator. Such actions, being within the walls of his own prison, is not meditation. The meditator can never know meditation, which is just beyond his walls. It's only the walls that the meditator himself has build, high or low, thick or thin, that divide him from meditation."

J. Krishnamurti

Tijd is de beweging van onze gedachten; van het verleden naar de toekomst, van herinneringen naar verwachtingen, heen en weer, altijd in beweging, maakt het denken de namen en de vormen die ons afsluiten van de verwondering en de blijdschap van het leven. Ons er van weerhouden te genieten van het zijn.

Tijdens mijn intensives en retraites wordt er speciaal aandacht gegeven aan meditatie en Pranayamatechnieken zodat we onze innerlijke ruimte en de stilte van ons hart leren ervaren.